Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Chase

This is my Chase project. The scope of the project was to make a chase scene. Make it look like the character in the film was being chased by an unidentified person.

Pre-Production we spent our time storyboarding it and pitching ideas on what we could add or edit to make it better. During production we filmed it and found areas with good lighting and those areas that we knew from Pre-Production that we wanted to shoot at. Post-Production we began editing this short film. We cut our scenes down to a few seconds each and kept the best scenes. We also added music for dramatic effect and to keep it climactic, and keep the viewer interested.

While making this film I didn't learn any new camera techniques, however, I did learn how to edit the audio in different clips in Final Cut Pro. I learned how to make some parts really quiet and then have the audio build up and be really loud at a different part.

One thing I would do differently is not have as many wardrobe changes for more continuity. That was definitely a problem while shooting this. Another thing I would do differently would be to try to act more scared in the scene where I am on the ground and looking to make sure the chaser is nowhere in sight. I thought that scene looked kind of corny and could have been better. Something else I would do differently is make my run look a little more hurried, if that makes sense. Basically, try to make it seem like I am in a rush to get away from whoever is chasing me. In this film it looks like I'm just jogging and in no rush, defeating the goal to convey fear and panic. The last thing I would do differently is not break the 180 degree rule, it confuses the viewer.

One thing I would keep the same is where we shot this. I think that all of the places in this film had good lighting and didn't have a lot of people in them so we weren't bothering anybody or disrupting any classes. Another thing I would keep the same is the music but spread it out more so that one song doesn't come right after another. I thought the music definitely gave the film an intense feel and keeps people interested in what's going to happen next.

The first thing I'm going to draw from this is - like I said before - more spread out music so it's not as sporadic. The second thing that I'll draw from this is better acting. The reason being is to make it look more realistic and help the film give off whatever emotion it's trying to convey.

Overall, I thought the film was good but I definitely could have done better. No major mistakes, aside from the 180 degree rule violation, but there was a lot of small things that could of been done better to improve it.

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