Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Plausible Impossible

The telephone is talking to itself through the speaker on the phone. It seems plausible because everyone talks through it so you would think that it could talk. It's impossible because it is an inanimate object and is therefore incapable of speaking.

Mickey experiences a huge growth spurt in a short amount of time. It seems plausible because everyone has growth spurts. It's impossible because of the very small amount of time it took and how much he grew. You don't grow 5 feet in all of 6 seconds, it just doesn't happen, let alone grow enough to hit the ceiling. 

This dresser is dancing. It seems plausible because it does have parts on it that resemble parts that humans have so, why not make them move? It's impossible because it is an inanimate object and can't move by itself.

The King from a deck of cards is riding a bike. This seems plausible because Kings are people and can move and everything. This is impossible because this King is not a real person but is instead a face on a card that is an inanimate object and incapable of riding a bike.

These cards are un-shuffling themselves and then running to go get Mickey. This seems plausible because the King and Queen can move and so the other cards could act as guards. This is impossible because cards don't have arms or legs, nor can they move by themselves.

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