Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Character Animation

What is your character? A stick person named Bill The Human who is really happy for no reason.
Why did you design your character that way? To give it a cartoon and silly feel.
What was your though behind your character? Cartoons, funny, silly... Round head... Random pocket.

Did you run into any issues with the design of your character? The legs made his walk look weird but they are meant to be that way. Don't judge.
Did you have any issues with keyframes? Nope, everything went well with the keyframes. I got their timing down pretty well. Left Leg and Right Leg keyframes took place at the same time to prevent both legs going forward at the same time.
I created the keyframes by, first, setting the beginning position by clicking the clock by the word "Position." Then I moved the orange cursor where I wanted it. Then I moved the body part of the character into the position I wanted it to be in at that time.
What are three things you can say you learned about making your character walk? The first thing I learned was when one leg is moving forward, the other leg should be doing the opposite. The second thing I learned is that the design of your character's legs can affect the way the walk looks. The third thing I learned was that the motion of the walk was pretty simple. The last thing I learned was to make the legs bent a little bit to make it look like he has knees.
If you could redo it, would you change anything? I would change his legs so they look more normal but, I still like it.
How do you feel about your work/animation? I think I did pretty well for my first walking animation. I definitely think I could of made it look more realistic and fixed the missing pocket issue. I think I know what caused it: His pocket was not it's own layer in Photoshop so to fix it I would have go into Photoshop and make the pocket it's own layer and then have to re-upload the character into After Effects and animate it again but, I don't have that type of time. Too bad, so sad.

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