Friday, December 9, 2016

Professional Article Review.

I read an article called "Use of E-Cigarettes by Young People is Major Concern." The article is about the rising use of E-Cigarettes by the youth and how this increase in its use is posing a major health risk for them and those around them. It talks about how e-cigarettes are much more harmful than most people think.

In this article the author argues that e-cigarettes are now a major public health concern and are the most commonly used tobacco product among youths. Because it's the youth that's taking up this unhealthy habit, the effects of e-cigarettes are much more devastating since they're still developing. This explains why the argument was more centered around the effects on youth rather than adults, since adults are far more developed than teenagers; however, adult use was mentioned, but the author quickly digressed. 

The author of this article mainly used facts and previous studies to support their argument. One interesting fact the author used was that e-cigarette use among High School students has risen by 900% from 2011-2015. On top of that, 38% of High School students have admitted to trying e-cigarettes at least once. A study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 16% of High Schoolers used e-cigarettes in 2015. That percentage is up from 13.4% in 2014.

A strength of this article is that it uses shocking facts and legitimate studies to back up the claim. These facts were relevant to the main argument and it felt like they added to the article instead of just being thrown in there for the sake of having some sort of truth. However, a weakness of this article is that it doesn't elaborate on the interesting facts it provides and doesn't provide any deeper insight into them.

The author concludes that there needs to be greater education among parents, teachers, and coaches about the risks of using e-cigarettes.

I find the main point of this article to be still relevant today and significant. E-Cigarette use is not only a problem, but it's becoming more and more prominent in today's society. This was an article that needed to be published and hopefully it opens some users' eyes about the hazards of e-cigarettes. The evidence used is also very convincing. The author doesn't just tell you not to do it to avoid possible negative effects, rather the author tells you the statistics of the negative effects caused by e-cigarettes taking their toll on the user. 

The only application I see for myself as a Journalist is to use more facts in my written stories. These add to the credibility of my articles and can help make them more persuasive if that's the goal.

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