Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Pensacola News Journal Article Review

The article is about a small news station that is working with its employees to make work more enjoyable. They're allowing them to write stories over thing they're passionate about and enjoy doing.

The author of this article doesn't really make any kind of argument, but more so talks about the adjustments Pensacola is making. However, it could be argued that if you work with your employees, then you will see an improvement in their performance and morale. This is shown when veteran feature Troy Moon said "I don't remember it being this good, not since the '90s at least." This is also shown when the article talks about Kevin Robinson and how he feels "freed up." Both of these employees saying that they enjoy work more and have more time serve as one of the strengths of this article. Very good evidence and sources are provided. Although, one of the weaknesses of this article is that it talks about the company's not so good past which can cause readers to see Pensacola News Journal in a negative light.  From this, the author concludes that letting reporters do work they're passionate about is a great way to keep up morale.

This article was pretty good in that all of the claims made and evidence provided go back to the main point which is if you let your employees do work they're passionate about, you'll see in an increase in performance and morale. The evidence in this article is very convincing since it is real people giving their honest input on the changes and how they've affected them. An application for me as a videographer is to do work I enjoy. By doing this I'll be more willing to work and will more likely than not see an improvement in my video quality.

Overall, this was a solid article. It was definitely interesting to see what happens when you let your employees do their own thing and work on things they enjoy. Enjoying your job makes going to work a lot easier and provides motivation.


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