Friday, October 31, 2014

Music Video

This is my Music Video. The scope of the project was to make a music video that tells a story.

Pre-Production we were storyboarding our project and deciding what kind of shot we wanted. We were also discussing what we wanted the music video to be about, as well as what song would be played. During Production of the Music Video, we filmed it and made sure we liked all of our shots.

The first thing I learned while making this project was how to lower the volume of the music so the audience can hear the voices in the film if necessary. The second thing I learned was to try to keep a straight face for the duration for the entirety of the film unless I have to change it. There was one scene where I laughed and it was kind of noticeable.

If I was to do anything different, it would definitely be to get whatever was in my eye in one of the beginning shots out of there. That is so distracting when watching and I'm afraid it will take the viewer's attention away from the Music Video itself.

If I was to do anything the same, it would be all the scenes of me doing unnecessary pushups and sit-ups to study for a math test. I think that adds a bit of humor to the film and makes it more enjoyable for the viewer.

The experience I will draw from this project to enhance my next project would be less goofing around off camera. Stay on task more often and finish the video faster. I would hope that staying on task would help the quality of the acting in the Music Video. Staying on task would also help the amount time we have to edit. It was not a problem this time but it's good to know for future reference.

Overall, I thought my group did pretty well and the Music Video turned out way better than I thought it would. I think I was able to act fairly well in it and all of the shots looked good. I'm pretty sure that we got all 6 of the shots in there. There are some parts that weren't edited to the beat because if I extended or shortened the clip so they were edited to the beat, there would be a lot of unnecessary stuff that doesn't help tell the story at all.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Plausible Impossible

The telephone is talking to itself through the speaker on the phone. It seems plausible because everyone talks through it so you would think that it could talk. It's impossible because it is an inanimate object and is therefore incapable of speaking.

Mickey experiences a huge growth spurt in a short amount of time. It seems plausible because everyone has growth spurts. It's impossible because of the very small amount of time it took and how much he grew. You don't grow 5 feet in all of 6 seconds, it just doesn't happen, let alone grow enough to hit the ceiling. 

This dresser is dancing. It seems plausible because it does have parts on it that resemble parts that humans have so, why not make them move? It's impossible because it is an inanimate object and can't move by itself.

The King from a deck of cards is riding a bike. This seems plausible because Kings are people and can move and everything. This is impossible because this King is not a real person but is instead a face on a card that is an inanimate object and incapable of riding a bike.

These cards are un-shuffling themselves and then running to go get Mickey. This seems plausible because the King and Queen can move and so the other cards could act as guards. This is impossible because cards don't have arms or legs, nor can they move by themselves.